Many TFAA member artists have open studios within the Torpedo Factory Art Center and visitors are encouraged to come see art being created. The artists welcome questions about technique, practice, and art collecting. The Art Center was founded over 45 years ago based on this unique relationship between the public and working artists and the tradition is going strong!
And many other TFAA members prefer studio space outside of the Art Center. Sadly, artists were not offered rent forgiveness at the Art Center with the arrival of Covid and many artists made the difficult decision to leave their studios at the Art Center for good. Now more than ever, artists are eager for alternate ways of interacting and engaging with the public. Reach out to your favorite artists through our website, social media, and upcoming exhibitions. Be sure to follow @torpedofactoryartists on Instagram and Facebook to stay up-to-date on the latest TFAA news and events.
Engage with the artists!