Featured Artist


Tara Barr

Tara Barr
Sample Work

As a child I was obsessed with art. In college I studied Art History and I assumed that art would always be a central part of my life. However, after graduating I ended up following a different career path and I spent over a decade building a successful career in nonprofit management with data and technology as my areas of expertise. In 2018 I paused. I looked around at my life and I asked myself, “where is the art?” I realized that I had strayed far from my passion and purpose in life and I began to course correct. The body of work that I’ve created over the past few explores the themes of nostalgia and technology. As a technology professional, I spent a lot of time learning about and considering my place in the broader history of women in technology and the role that tech plays in our modern daily lives. I’m especially interested in the design of technology devices and I try to draw attention to and elevate the great design of the objects that I choose to represent.

As a child I was obsessed with art. In college I studied Art History and I assumed that art would always be a central part of my life. However, after graduating I ended up following a different career path and I spent over a decade building a successful career in nonprofit management with data and technology as my areas of expertise. In 2018 I paused. I looked around at my life and I asked myself, “where is the art?” I realized that I had strayed far from my passion and purpose in life and I began to course correct. The body of work that I’ve created over the past few explores the themes of nostalgia and technology. As a technology professional, I spent a lot of time learning about and considering my place in the broader history of women in technology and the role that tech plays in our modern daily lives. I’m especially interested in the design of technology devices and I try to draw attention to and elevate the great design of the objects that I choose to represent.

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